

Questions regarding your landscape? Many of our longest client relationships have started with a consultation. Whatever aspect of your landscape that you may have questions about we will be happy to answer!


Design services range from simple renderings of proposed ideas to fully detailed permitted construction sets with physical and digital 3D models and everything in between. We use powerful Autodesk AutoCAD Architect software for all of our digital drafting. We can utilize existing drawings in any format to avoid redoing what other architects and surveyors have done before us. We will leave you with important digital and printed documentation of your site that will become useful for future construction, repair and maintenance work.


Landscapes For a Future offer a wide variety of construction management services.

  • Preparing documents for permit applications.
  • Lead landscape contractor; take in bids, quality control, scheduling, material sourcing, etc.
  • Post construction documentation; MAWA (Maximum Applied Water Allowance) calculations, as built plans, maintenance plans, etc.