My name is Johan Niklasson and I am the founder, owner and principal designer of Landscapes For a Future. I have spent the past 25 years working in agriculture and horticulture in a dozen countries on 4 continents. Nurseryman, farmhand, head of maintenance, research assistant for the Nordic Gene Bank, local gene bank manager, garden consultant, is but a few of the various titles I held before I decided to actually make a career of this and graduated from the University of Agriculture in Sweden with a MS in Landscape Engineering and a BA in Landscape Maintenance.


In 2005 I found myself in Sebastopol, CA with my wife and two daughters on a newly purchased piece of land outside of town and decided to start my business. Since then I have worked on landscape design and construction projects along the Bay Area coast as well as a few projects further inland.


On the side I have been teaching sustainable landscape design at College of Marin. In my class we study fundamental design principles, construction techniques and how to draft landscape plans using CAD software.


Over the years I have developed a professional network of engineers, sub contractors, drafters, laborers, plant brokers, material specialists and others that I have had the great fortune to cross paths with. Together we make the "we" that I write about on this web page.


My landscape designs are based on broad practical experience as well as academic knowledge. To develop a design that is pleasing in both form and function one has to look at the elements involved in a holistic perspective. Having worked and studied design, construction and maintenance I am well equipped to rise to the challenge and design and build sustainable environments that meets and exceeds the clients needs and desires. I believe this shows in what I have done so far.


Thank you for taking the time to consider our business for your project.